
Holy Week: Introduction

Jesus on the cross


Whether you grew up in church, or just happened to watch any movie based on the Easter story, then you are all too familiar with Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday. However, there is so much to the story that is left to be discovered.

As part of my own repentance and reflection, I wanted to fill in the blanks and attempt to fully understand the mind of Christ and what He experienced during the Holy Week before His crucifixion and resurrection. I decided to study the timeline of events and try to follow along.

What I have discovered is that after 2000 years, despite all our knowledge, we have not changed very much from the people of that time. We happily celebrate Palm Sunday, singing and praising the arrival of our humble King Jesus riding on a donkey, but as the week progresses and we realize that He doesn’t fit in with our agenda, we send Him to die on the cross through our words and our actions. Following the timeline of events, it makes it all so obvious how many times I myself have denied His existence in my life by my disobedience and ungratefulness.

I invite you on a daily journey to discover the life of Jesus during the days of Holy Week leading up to His Resurrection. This may be elementary knowledge to you, so I request your comments and feedback. For my own sake, I need a constant reminder of how unworthy I am of His sacrifice and His glory.

Read the next post in the series: Palm Sunday

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1 Comment

  1. and I join you…excited to embark upon this journey and be reminded once again;we cant do it enough.Holy Week here we come!

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