A few months ago, I wrote about solving an issue with VoiceOver and list-style-type: none;. The response that I got was surprising, for a few different reasons.

A few months ago, I wrote about solving an issue with VoiceOver and list-style-type: none;. The response that I got was surprising, for a few different reasons.
With that bit of additional CSS, we are able to return the list semantics for VoiceOver users without needing to touch the markup.
UPDATE: A more recent version of this article was posted on CSS-Tricks: How to Disable Links. The topic of disabling …
Back in July, the fine folks at ForwardJS allowed me to give an “Intro to Web Accessibility” workshop. The workshop …
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Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.
Being two former co-founders of well-known browsers and releasing brand new ones that cater specifically to user needs are not the only things in common. Unfortunately, these browser are also not…
Being a Front-end developer by life choice, I obsess over a lot of things when it comes to the web. …