
Review: WarbyParker.com for Glasses

The glasses came with the stylish box, along with the nice case and include wipe. If that wasn’t enough to satisfy me the icing on the cake is that with each pair of glasses bought, Warby Parker will donate a pair of glasses to someone in need. Stylish and charitable!

Smartypig drops interest rate

Goodbye Smartypig – Smartypig Cuts Interest Rate to .698%

Today, I got notice that Smartypig is now dropping there interest rate to a measly .698% – about half of what it was before! They are no longer competitive and I need to start looking for other options. I am not interested in their retailer rewards. I never intended on spending that money in the first place.

Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty - UPPP

My UPPP Recovery

About 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea.