
Jesus is crucified

Holy Week: Good Friday

Good Friday is actually a very solemn day. It is a day of deep mourning and contemplation. Like Palm Sunday, …

Spy Wednesday

Holy Week: Spy Wednesday

Wednesday of the Passion week goes by different names depending on the religion/ culture that celebrates it.

The Sermon on the Mount Fra Angelico, c. 1440

Holy Week: Super Tuesday

How long have you known Him and witnessed His awesome power but still doubt His abilities?

Fig Monday

Holy Week: Fig Monday

How many of us are like this fig tree? Sure we look good from afar, but upon closer examination we are exposed as not bearing fruits of the spirit. I thank God that He hasn’t cursed me for being a faker.

Jesus rides in on Palm Sunday

Holy Week: Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday the people marvel at His miracles like raising Lazarus from the dead, and celebrate the One who has come to liberate.

Jesus on the cross

Holy Week: Introduction

Whether you grew up in church, or just happened to watch any movie based on the Easter story, then you are all too familiar with Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday. However, there is so much to the story that is left to be discovered.